Monday 12 May 2014

Crocheting with a Parrot

Here's a recap of crocheting with a parrot around

Get crochet hook and yarn out (as it's carefully hidden)
Open pattern on computer
Find and pick up crochet hook off floor where it was thrown by parrot
Fetch yarn ball from across room from fierce beak wielding bird and put in plastic case

Take stitch marker out of project and place on table
Find spot on pattern
Get crochet hook back from parrot chewing on it
Make 4 single stitches, watch tension caused by parrot pulling on yarn

Get bent, chewed on stitch marker back from parrot, realize its no good now
Get new stitch marker from stash
Pick up crochet hook up from floor
Show parrot interesting toy with nice treats inside to get him occupied

Try to remember where you were in the pattern
Recount stitches to find place
Get stitch marker off of floor
Place stitch marker

Get 2nd ball of yarn off of floor, switch colors in project

Take crochet project away from playing parrot
Make 6 single stitches
Take in use stitch marker/project away from parrot

Pick up crochet hook from floor
Recount stitches
Get yarn out of parrots mouth

Pick up crochet hook from floor

Complete first row of project..
Get frustrated and put project away

What's in a name?

What's a parront?

A parront is a (clever?) wordplay combining parrot and parent.  This works as a title for one who owns a parrot as anyone who has one can attest that its like having a perpetual 2 year old.